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Privacy and cookie policy for


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When you visit, we place cookies in your web browser. We might also share the information with third parties. You have the right to know what personal information we collect, who we share the information with and why. You also have the right to know what data we have relating to you, to correct any information that is wrong or outdated and to be forgotten or deleted if you wish to.

Using the resources or reading the content on does not require that you log in or register. If you come to to read content or search we do not collect information about you.

Our web statistics tool Piwik Pro can access movement patterns on the web site, but does not capture your IP address (See: “Third parties” and “Cookies” for more information about storage).

Feedback questionnaires from Task Analytics (See: “Third parties” and “Cookies” for more information about storage) collect your answers to a questionnaire, but store no data on you or your location, name, IP address or similar information.

We use external services to manage our website. Algolia is the engine behind our search and is our CMS ((See: “Third parties” for more information about storage). Algolia builds a search log so we can analyze if the search performs well and serves you the results you need. Sanity displays text and images. These services can see your IP address and store their data in the EU.

Your rights

The General Data ProtectionRegulation gives you the right to ask us what personal data we have registered relating to you. You also have the right to have incorrect, incomplete or information we have no real reason to possess corrected, supplemented and/or deleted.

Any questions you have about us and how we treat your personal information should be directed to We’ll comply with your request within 30 days of receiving your query.

How to complain

If you believe we have treated your personal data in an unethical, unlawful or reckless manner, you are entitled to complain. You should direct your complaint to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

Cookies from and third parties

Cookies in your web browser are used to remember if you have visited before, switch language, search through a database and remember previous searches you’ve made and similar. does not set any marketing cookies for retargeting, customer service, ad service or similar.

Third parties

Remember you and see how you use the website

Cookies set by Piwik Pro have the prefix _pk_id, _pk_ses and ppms_privacy_. Piwik Pro can see none of your personal information.

Task Analytics is a questionnaire tool we use to improve the content of our website. The cookies set are named _tmc. Task Analytics can see none of your personal information.

These are not necessary to use the website, and you may reject them in your browser or delete them without consequence.

Video players

We share videos from Vimeo and YouTube, When you play a video the video host places a cookie in your browser if it’s from Vimeo, but not from YouTube. Look for cookies named player and vuid.

Make sure functions as intended

Some cookies are set to ensure you can switch language, look around in maos and filter searches. These are named _lang, ALGOLIA and sanitySession.

We recommend that you do not reject or turn these cookies off.


Feel free to get in touch with us either by email or phone +47 901 30 900.